Asda to make 200 staff redundant

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Supermarket firm Asda is set to cut 200 jobs.

Staff will be made redundant at the company’s head office, Asda House in Leeds, and it’s clothing headquarters in Leicestershire, it was announced today.

The job cuts will affect around five per cent of the workforce at the two sites, which employ around 4,000 staff in total.

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An Asda spokesman said: “Over 18 months ago, we reviewed our business after recognising a structural change taking place in the retail market. This led us to set a new strategy in 2013 which will see Asda redefine value retailing in the UK.

“Consequently, we have been talking to our colleagues for some time about the need for change. In the spirit of openness, we’ve let our colleagues know that we will be having some more detailed discussions with them this week about a new structure.

“Inevitably, this has led to some speculation but as you’d expect, we’ll have conversations about the details with all our colleagues first.”