Nearly 10 hospital admissions a day for violent attacks and knife crime in Yorkshire

Victims of assaults and knife attacks were admitted to hospital nearly 10 times a day in Yorkshire last year, new figures have revealed.

Analysis of NHS figures show there were 3,565 admissions to hospitals in Yorkshire in the year ending March 2020.

The figures include people assaulted by bodily force, such as punching and kicking, as well as serious injuries inflicted by knives, sharp objects and blunt objects.

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Trusts with hospitals in the region’s bigger cities and with major trauma centres saw the highest number of patients who had been victims of violence. Patients who are seriously injured in attacks may, in some instances, be transported to a hospital in another locality to be treated by specialists.

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals, which include Pinderfields, Pontefract and Dewsbury District Hospital, treated 385 patients who had been attacked.

Anti-violence charities are now saying more needs to be done to tackle issues such as knife crime and alcohol-fuelled brawls, with national figures revealing in total that there were 28,905 assault admissions to hospitals across England last year. Injuries from bodily force were the most common reason for assault patients being treated.