Karen Wright: A pre dinner starter with a delicate flavour

A bowl of delicious vegetable soupA bowl of delicious vegetable soup
A bowl of delicious vegetable soup
Do you have a starter on Christmas day? I have been asking around to see what people have before the main course. The feedback has been mixed: some people do, some people don’t bother, and some have a few nibbles or canapés rather than a first course that you sit down to.

I always prepare a starter. In fact, last year I prepared three, which was a bit over the top really.

We had a choice of prawn cocktail, pâté or soup. We have three vegetarians and one vegan as part of our party so as you can imagine they chose the soup option.

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This year I am just serving soup again. I know some people think that soup is a bit hearty before a big dinner, but I disagree, if it is a modest portion with delicate flavour I think it is perfect.

I made my soup last week and have frozen it in two portion tubs that can be squeezed into small spaces in the freezer.

I made a vegan soup which should tick all the boxes for everyone.

It started as a root vegetable soup but then I enhanced it with a little mild curry powder, fresh dill and I finished it with a can of coconut milk. The taste is indeed delicate, almost like a very fragrant and mild Thai curry. Of course if this is not your bag you can customise it easily to your own taste.

This is how I made it.

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I chopped up a large onion, five carrots, a couple of potatoes, a few sticks of celery and a big leek. I put all the veg into a big pan and covered then with water and brought it to the boil and then simmered until everything was tender.

I added a vegetable stock pot, a handful of fresh dill and some garlic purée before blending it with my stick blender until it was very smooth. At this point I seasoned it with salt and pepper.

This was when I changed it from vegetable soup to a fragrant Asian inspired soup by adding a tablespoon of mild curry powder (which I made into a paste by mixing it with a little bit of water) and a can of coconut milk and brought the soup back to a simmer.

On the big day I will defrost, reheat and finish with a splash of dry sherry!

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