137 new homes to built next to Pinderfields Hospital

Coun Olivia RowleyCoun Olivia Rowley
Coun Olivia Rowley
Plans to build 137 new homes on land near to Pinderfields Hospital have been approved by Wakefield Council.

Developer Ben Bailey Homes has the go-ahead to build one bedroom apartments, and two, three, four and five bed houses on Bar Lane, to the north of the city centre.

Councillors on the Planning and Highways Committee yesterday approved the plans, subject to conditions, despite more than 60 objections from people living in the area.

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A report to the committee said the site was “suitable and sustainable” for housing and could be “adequately serviced” by “existing and enhanced” local amenities.

It added that the development “would not significantly detract from the character of the locality”.

The properties will be a mixture of detached and semi-detached properties as well as terraced houses, over two and three storeys .

Access to the site, currently owned by the NHS Trust, with Pinderfields and Fieldhead hospitals nearby, is planned via a fourth exit off the existing Bar Lane roundabout.

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But Wakefield East councillors Olivia Rowley and Ros Lund, who objected to the proposals, said they were concerned it would lead to increased traffic and congestion.

Sixty-six objections were made against the plans concerning a loss of privacy, noise and light pollution, loss of green space, and oversubscribed public services.