Baby bank sends donations to help victims of Manchester terror attack

Jane Robinson and Rachel Hodgson run a baby bank from South ElmsallJane Robinson and Rachel Hodgson run a baby bank from South Elmsall
Jane Robinson and Rachel Hodgson run a baby bank from South Elmsall
A baby bank which supports families in need across Yorkshire has sent packages of donations to victims of the Manchester terror attack.

The Tiny Hands Baby Bank, based in South Elmsall, collected seven bags full of toiletries for parents staying in hospital at the bedside of children hurt in Monday’s tragedy.

Jane Robinson, who runs the baby bank with friend Rachel Hodgson, said: “We put a call out on our Facebook page and pulled together a collection of seven carrier bags full of donations from toothpaste to body wash to deodorant.

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“Those parents that have found themselves in horrendous circumstances sat by the hospital beds of their injured children understandably do not want to leave their kids.

“The donations will mean they can nip to brush their teeth or have a wash whilst in hospital.

“It’s nice to have a platform to say to people ‘Can you help? Can you bring any donations?’

People were just constantly knocking on the door from the point we posted until the donations were sent off, with people dropping off what they could.

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“Everybody just wanted to do something to help after the attack. There’s been real community spirit.”

Mrs Robinson said they wanted to do all they could, after being contacted by Castleford social workers about the toiletry appeal.

The baby bank, which aims to alleviate child poverty, normally takes referrals from social workers, mental health teams, charities, midwives and other organisations requesting items for families suffering hardship.

They collect donations of pre-loved clothes, blankets, toiletries, toys and equipment from the community and hand them on to those in need.