Cars targeted in string of vehicle thefts across Wakefield and Castleford

Cars and vehicles have been targeted by thieves across Wakefield in the run up to Christmas.Cars and vehicles have been targeted by thieves across Wakefield in the run up to Christmas.
Cars and vehicles have been targeted by thieves across Wakefield in the run up to Christmas.
Cars and vehicles have been targeted by thieves across Wakefield in the run up to Christmas.

West Yorkshire Police have reported a rise in the number of thefts from insecure vehicles in Castleford, as well as incidents in Wakefield.

Two cars had their windows smashed in Eastmoor, with cash and paperwork taken from the vehicles, while a suspect was spotted trying car door handles in Stanley, police said.

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The suspect, who is described as slim, 5ft8, wearing pale coloured jeans, a light coloured puffer jacket, white trainers and a baseball cap, stole cash, binoculars and jackets during the incidents, which took place between 2am and 4am.

Residents are being advised to be particularly careful about locking cars, sheds, garages and homes, as well as avoiding leaving valuables in their cars - particularly Christmas presents.

Police advise that items should be removed from the glove box and boot space, and vehicles should be parked under lighting whenever possible, to increase visibility in case of a crime.

Report suspicious activity to West Yorkshire Police via 101, or call 999 in an emergency.

Non-emergencies can also be reported on the West Yorkshire Police website.