Cyclist attempts to steal handbag from woman in Wakefield

A man on a bike tried to take a handbag from a young woman when she was walking along a road in Wakefield.

At about 8.40pm on Thursday October 8, an 18-year-old woman was walking along Denby Dale Road in Thornes, when she was approached from behind by the man.

The man tugged at the handbag which caused the woman to fall to the floor and the suspect rode off down the road, away from the town centre.

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He is described as a tall and slim male wearing black clothing.

The victim suffered slight injuries to her hand which did not require hospital treatment.

Detective Constable Cain Bamforth, of Wakefield District CID, said: “This incident happened on a busy main road and there were cars driving past at the time, so I would ask anyone who saw this incident or someone matching this man’s description, to contact Wakefield District CID on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.”