VIDEO: Mother of drink drug driving crash victim speaks out as part of West Yorkshire Police campaign

Carole Whittinghams 27-year-old son Steven was killed in 1992.Carole Whittinghams 27-year-old son Steven was killed in 1992.
Carole Whittinghams 27-year-old son Steven was killed in 1992.
With less than a week until Christmas, West Yorkshire Police has released a video featuring the mother of a man who was killed when his car was hit by drink and drug driver.

Carole Whittingham’s 27-year-old son Steven died on January 30, 1992, after a stolen vehicle being driven in excess of 80mph in a 30mph zone collided with his car.

The driver had been drinking and taking drugs before getting behind the wheel.

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Since Steven’s death, Carole has set up the charity SCARD (Support and Care After Road Death and Injury). SCARD offer year-round support to the families and friends of those lost in road related accidents.

The video is part of West Yorkshire Police’s continued awareness campaign over the festive period of the consequences of driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs.

Since the start of the month, 215 drivers have been arrested in West Yorkshire for drink or drug driving.

Throughout December, roads policing officers have been tweeting details of arrests for drink or drug driving in West Yorkshire.

You can find out more about the campaign and the work of the Roads Policing Unit by following the @WYP_RPU Twitter account or searching the hashtag #WYPTheCost.