Plan to build 200 new homes in Normanton recommended for approval despite objections

Outline planning permission is being sought to build up to  232 new homes on land off Mill Lane and the proposals have been recommended for approval in a Wakefield Council planning report.Outline planning permission is being sought to build up to  232 new homes on land off Mill Lane and the proposals have been recommended for approval in a Wakefield Council planning report.
Outline planning permission is being sought to build up to 232 new homes on land off Mill Lane and the proposals have been recommended for approval in a Wakefield Council planning report.
Residents and town councillors in Normanton have objected to plans to build 200 new homes.

Outline planning permission is being sought to build up to 232 new homes on land off Mill Lane and the proposals have been recommended for approval in a Wakefield Council planning report.

The specific details on what the homes in the development will be like would be decided at a later meeting if the outline plan is approved at this stage.

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Objectors said there that have already been 383 home approved for development in the area.

They raised concerns about the impact pollution from the M62 would have on new residents as well as the impact of additional traffic and pollution on existing residents.

They said visibility at the Mill Lane junction with Castleford Road was appalling and it needed to be redesigned with the addition of traffic lights.

And they said it would put additional pressure on local services such as schools and doctors.

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But the proposals were supported by Coun David Dagger, a Wakefield district councillor for Normanton. He said: “I support this particular application in principal, however the applicant should consider vehicular through flow traffic from the adjacent Taylor Wimpey Development as an alternative access to Benson Lane.”

A further email was received from Coun Dagger noting that there are public concerns regarding the proposal and requesting a committee decision be made.

The proposal states the original application was for 276 and was reduced over planning officers’ concerns.

Wakefield Council’s planning and highways committee will make its decision on Thursday, October 15.