Taxpayers forking out £200K due to fly-tipping

Flytipping in Wakefield.Flytipping in Wakefield.
Flytipping in Wakefield.
Almost 4,000 reports of fly-tipping were made to Wakefield Council last year.

The local authority was forced to clear up dumped white goods, furniture and waste form all over the district at a cost of £200,000 to the taxpayer.

Figures showed that more reports were made from the Wakefield East ward than anywhere else during 2017.

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Castleford Central and Glass Houghton, Wakefield Rural, Wakefield South and Normanton were also among the most frequently fly-tipped areas.

The fewest reports were made in the Horbury and South Ossett ward, Airedale and Ferry Fryston and Stanley and Outwood East wards.

The numbers, obtained from a Freedom of Information request, showed an average of more than 10 reports each day.

Coun Maureen Cummings, portfolio holder for environment and communities, said: “Fly-tipping is a serious, criminal offence that costs the council approximately £200,000 a year to clean-up.

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“It is a blight on our communities and we use every tool available to identify and take action against those responsible.

“There are plenty of options for people to legally and safely dispose of their waste. It’s the responsibility of all residents to check they are doing so.

“We have a tough stance on fly tipping, it won’t be tolerated. We issue fixed penalty notices to those caught illegally dumping items.

“We have also successfully prosecuted for more serious and larger fly-tipping offences through the courts, in which offenders can face a maximum prison sentence of five years and/or an unlimited fine.

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“We also have new powers to seize vehicles, involved in fly tipping. The vehicle may be sold, or crushed if the owner is successfully prosecuted.” Anyone caught in the act of illegally dumping waste can be given a fixed penalty notice of up to £200. If this is not paid the case is then brought to court.