‘There could still be a future at Ferrybridge Power Station’

Date:20th May 2015.Picture James Hardisty, (JH1008/65q) Engery company SSE had announced today the closure of Ferrybridge 'C' Power Station with a loss over 200 jobs.Date:20th May 2015.Picture James Hardisty, (JH1008/65q) Engery company SSE had announced today the closure of Ferrybridge 'C' Power Station with a loss over 200 jobs.
Date:20th May 2015.Picture James Hardisty, (JH1008/65q) Engery company SSE had announced today the closure of Ferrybridge 'C' Power Station with a loss over 200 jobs.
Campaigners and politicians battling to extend the life of the doomed Ferrybridge Power Station have stepped up their fight.

Site operators SSE announced the plant will close by the end of March 2016 with the loss of up to 400 jobs owing to rising costs and new environmental legislation.

Pontefract and Castleford MP Yvette Cooper has met exectutives from the company and claims there is still two years’ worth of coal ready to be used already piled up at the plant.

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Ms Cooper said: “We know that there is nearly two years’ worth of coal sitting at Ferrybridge that could be burned.

“Production should continue at least until that runs out and I’ve met with bosses at SSE and urged them to do that.

“I have also met the energy minister to insist that government also pursues this with SSE too.

“It would give the workforce more time to plan their future and it would give us more time to see if there is another way of extending the life of the plant.

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“We need action from the company and action from the government as well to stop these job losses and to safeguard energy supply over the next few years.”

Ferrybridge councillor Graham Stokes said the closure would be “devastating” for the area.

Coun Stokes said: “The village of Ferrybridge has been associated with power stations as long as I can remember, even before Ferrybridge C was built in the 1960s.

“We hear all the time that the economy has turned but it certainly doesn’t feel like it in Knottingley and Ferrybridge at the moment.

“We must do all that we can and redouble our efforts to bring new industries and jobs to Ferrybridge and Knottingley.”