Wakefield Council hoping to devolve more powers to our communities

Wakefield County Hall.Wakefield County Hall.
Wakefield County Hall.
Powers could be handed down to smaller towns and areas across the district as part of plans being drawn up by Wakefield Council.

Council leader Peter Box hopes to set up ‘area councils’ which will be responsible for how money is spent in their areas.

Coun Box said: “We hear a lot of talk about devolution nationally and handing powers down to local councils but I think it’s important that we as a council look to how we can devolve as well.

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“We are, undoubtedly, going to face more cuts to our budget over the next few years and we will continue to provide top-quality services across the district.

“These area councils are just one aspect of ensuring we still achieve that.

“I am very keen to set up the area councils and we have officers working on them in the hope of having them in place by April 1, next year.

“That sounds a long way away but what’s most important is that we get the plan right.”

The West Yorkshire Combined Authority is also working to get powers devolved to the Leeds City Region.

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